Loss and Love

Just four weeks ago I received the kind of news that no one is ever prepared for. My nephew, at age 24 is gone. He was someone with so much potential; someone who was loved. He volunteered in his community. He helped his neighbour. He never said a harsh word and he always gave people the benefit of the doubt. Sadly, recent circumstances had left him deeply wounded and he took his own life. How do you begin to minister to those who have experienced such heart ache; such loss?

As a pastor, I find much comfort in the scriptures. I find comfort in knowing that we are never alone, even when it feels like it. There’s comfort knowing that God sees everything; knows everything; and understands even our pain. God the Father looked on as his son was being abused, beaten, ridiculed, lied about and eventually nailed to the cross. He knows pain. But the crucifixion of Jesus wasn’t about the pain that was endured by God the son. It was about love being expressed. “For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only son, that whoever believes on Him shall not perish but have eternal life” (John 3:16). This is the gift that is being offered to you today if you don’t already know Jesus. In chapter 1 of the gospel, John tells us “to all who received him (that being Jesus); to those who believed in His name, he gave the right to become children of God” and He still does.

Which means the questions that need to be answered. Have you received Him? Do you believe in His name? Are you a child of God? We are all touched by loss in this world. Death brings us to a place where we must face our own mortality. It motivates us to look for answers; answers that only God provides. Questions such as, “is there life after this here on earth?” It’s something you may need to ponder and consider. My recommendation is: search the Scriptures and see. His Word is truth! May God bless you as you do!